


その対象が男と女 男と男 女と女

A love that communicates with Jean on the chest
Sweet dreams and smells
Lovers are beautiful
Men and women men and men women and girls as targets
I hear that human beings are born as amphibious
So freedom, love is
Lover, lover Lovers forever
posted by 和完 at 07:52| Comment(0) | 日記


広瀬隆の著書を読んで  Reading Hirose Takashi's book


I read these four books with the desire to know. The complex history of large to small zaibatsu, once again confirmed that the company is life. About 40 years after graduating from university, I also experienced professions of twelve different industries twenty people. In that situation, I thought that the company had such a historical background and was sighing. Those without a name by the end of the Tokugawa shogun filled the firewood bamboo! In the latter textile machine, there was also an episode that the founder of Toyota Sakichi Toyota established a spinning company. From the end of the Bakumatsu that it would be part of human history, Japan adopted the westernized financial system and today's economy. We say that this financial economy started from the Babylon era! I guess it is a system that was used by mankind of the ancient to the former world, is not it? It seems that the economy of the Atlantis era was like this too? It seems that you traveled to other galaxy universe, so is not it such a childish financial economy? It was early that Mizuho Bank was Yasuda Zaibatsu. By the way, Takashi Hirose's author is a jazz musician I heard that it is a convincing conscience
posted by 和完 at 09:07| Comment(0) | 日記


どこで撮影しているのか?素敵な町並み、ステキな恋人 美しい恋人


Michael Buble - Quando Quando
どこで撮影しているのか?素敵な町並み、ステキな恋人 美しい恋人
posted by 和完 at 06:56| Comment(0) | 日記